This submission has been merged into "King Of The Race".

Bring Back KOTR

Because of the issue that botters presented to the game of Nitro Type, King of the Race cars were removed as a way to limit the usage of bots; however, this idea is not only entirely pointless due to bots already being dealt with, but also completely crushing to legit racers whose main form of motivation came in the form of an exclusive car. 

Botting in Nitro Type has been an issue for quite some time. Fortunately, the administrators and Nitro Type development teams were able to heighten bot detection and increase difficulty of botting. Completing races with the help of an automated program has been made, quite frankly, impossible, so removing King of the Race cars does nothing to help. 

KOTR cars were a form of motivation for thousands of players. The incentive to race frequently and consistently was rooted in these unique and wanted achievements. By limiting these achievements, the want to play the game has also become limited. One could argue that not many players even knew about the hidden achievements in the first place; however, those who were unaware were those who hardly played the game and were not a part of the group of individuals who actively played the game. 

King of the Race cars not only served as an incentive to play the game, but something for players to admire and hope to achieve throughout their time playing the game. It is absolutely unnecessary to remove such an enormous, impactful aspect of the game for an issue that has already been solved. 


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DarkS707YT, 9 months ago
Well Said ! knocked it out of the park a bunch of us definitely agree.
nitrotype, 9 months ago
Owen Tseng, 9 months ago
Definitely agree
isaac_rocks (aka bionic), 9 months ago
Love the way you wrote this!
Tarif The Random Life, 9 months ago
very detailed and concise, definitely agree with this one!
+ 35
9 months ago, phawk113