Click on accounts

We should be able to click on people's accounts when they comment or send an idea. Once you are on their account then you can see all their posts. Its just an easier way to find posts, especially by someone who has some (...)

Suggestions for THIS site Backlog
View EVERYONE who has voted

Being able to view everyone that has voted would be a cool addition to see who supports you. Currently we can only see the last 3 people that have upvoted, but it would be nice to see everyone.

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Search for Users

I am loving these updates! This website is really coming along! However, I think it would be a great addition to search for users in the search bar, and it would pull up all the suggestions from one person.

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It's a no-brainer! I've seen so many posts that I have the urge to downvote, but I couldn't do so! If this site is going to actually be a place for people to really vote for the things that should be added to NT, then we (...)

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This is a bug on this website

If you scroll though submissions and control click on one of the submissions then upvote it on the submissions page and then go to the other tab and also upvote it meaning you can get multiple upvotes for an idea

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Host a Comp

How about we get a HOST A COMP button next to the edit team and disband team buttons. So if you remove sending cash you can still host competitions. 

Suggestions for THIS site Backlog
No more Merging, just delete repeated ideas

Some may not agree with me, but I am not a fan of the Merging of ideas. I thought of an idea, watching people's races. Then, someone came up with a VERY similar idea much later than I did, wrote like one sentence down, a (...)

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Comment Features

Reply - Responding to comments makes it easier to communicate and get your points across to a certain person. Like - Let everyone like the comment, we don't need to see who liked it, just let us like the comment. This ca (...)

Suggestions for THIS site Backlog
Idea filter

I think that after a while this will get pretty crowded and crap or spam ideas will become popular. To solve this, I think you could add a feature that, after a set amount of time, with not being upvoted your post gets d (...)

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Reset Password Button

The reset password button currently just causes an error :(

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Sort by time

Make it so that we can sort ideas by newest or something, i wanna see what people are suggesting and not just the top ones

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Make a colaboration page

Just a page where you share ideas about games, movies, or ideas about what nitro type should colab with! Like how they "colaborated" with ghost busters! If you don't like the idea it is fine since it is quite similar to (...)

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Teams Category Option

I feel like there are so many people talking about teams on this site and  they just have to list it as a feature. This makes scrolling through the massive section for features a pain because you're looking for feat (...)

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What does it mean for a post to be archived.

I spent an hour and a half making a post and then when I looked at it is said it had been archived! Can someone please explain?

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Text below title doesn't show list!

I have a list there and it doesn't show it. This may be difficult but if you can, that would be great!

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*BUG* Subscriptions

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Highlighted names on posts!

          If you post something, it should be highlighted for you so it is easier to find.            Also, if you are following a post that you didn't make then it (...)

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*BUG* Notification page change.

To find this bug: It won't work! At least in my experience it hasn't.

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1 Upvote = 1 Post

          I was thinking that maybe you should have to upvote something in order to post an idea. You could have a counter with the number of upvotes you have given. Then when you post an idea, t (...)

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