Endurance Racing Acheivements

Nitro Type in October 2019 removed the endurance racing achievements after 400 due to wanting people to race less and keep themselves safe but this is entirely pointless due to people doing this anyways because they play nitro type for the game aspect not so much typing aspect so they just play for these things and nitro type thinks this would move them away from education but all this is doing is just adding something for the people who play nitro type for the game aspect. These session achievements would also add a new competitive aspect to the game as it is called in the homepage a competitive typing game and as of right now the only thing there is is Leagues so if they bring this back it rewards Nitro Type gamer's. Also these achievements that they removed are also very cool and lots of people quite like these achievements and people race big numbers anyways for the number anyways they don't even need an achievement so the removal of these achievements don't even do anything. Nitro Type can just keep these achievements secret so the common player couldn't see them but all of us true Nitro Typists could still get the achievements.


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Mirciy, 9 months ago
not a bad idear
+ 1
9 months ago, ~Typing_Cat~