KOTR thought: a decimation

Instead of bringing back the KOTR achievement cars as-is, make it so each one from corsair beyond is divided by 10. e.g. corsair takes 1,000 races instead of 10k, wach is 3,000 instead of 30,000, wild 500 is 50,000 races instead of 500k, etc. and then the achievements under corsair, just lower accordingly.

If there's ever a situation where a new KOTR car needs to be awarded, give it to the first person to reach the big milestone (so the next would be a million), let them have it exclusive for a good little while, and then give it out to people who have that number of races / 10


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Type Forge, 9 months ago
Meh, I think that would be a good idea but instead of dividing by 10 divide by like 2 or 5. I totally get where you are coming from! Good idea! UPVOTE!
Mirciy, 9 months ago
u is crazy!
aal basin, 9 months ago
That takes away past accomplishments
aal basin, 9 months ago
9 months ago, stuffbyrae