Safari cash icon display bug

An example of the bug in action. The Nitro Cash icon displays on a new line above the text.
An example of the bug in action. The Nitro Cash icon displays on a new line above the text.

In Safari (could be in other browsers but seems localized to here), nearly every instance of a number of Nitro Cash experiences a display bug where the N dollar sign is drawn in a new line relative to the number.

It seems like changing the "display" attribute for ".as-nitro-cash--prefix, .as-nitro-cash" in the CSS from "inline-block" to "inline-flex" could solve the issue.


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Overcomer Solving, 9 months ago
It's been like this for me for a while! They need to fix it!
Mirciy, 9 months ago
Yeah I have seen this b4 I asked about it once, seemed to happen when you have two browsers open, or that's what they told me
+ 2
9 months ago, stuffbyrae