Car "Date Earned" Sort

I noticed today that when I sorted my cars by Date Earned, and scrolled back to see the first car I got, it was completely inaccurate. It shows that Liberty Demon XRT is the first car I earned, but it did not even exist when I created my account. Has this happened to anyone else?

Cars "Date Earned" sort
Cars "Date Earned" sort

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Sky, 9 months ago
That glitch is not on my account. I don't even own the car.
isaac_rocks (aka bionic), 9 months ago
I understand that it is the new default car, but it is still a bug. The Date Earned sort is sorted by when you earned the car. I earned the car much later. I wouldn't think it would be too hard to change this because every other car is earned at different times.
Infinite_, 9 months ago
It's not a bug, they made that the new default car when they added the new onboarding experience for new members.
Action321/TeM, 9 months ago
Nah, I don't even own this car lol it's kind of annoying
Type Forge, 9 months ago
Everyone got this bug when they released that car for new members instead of the 3 cars we probably got!
+ 3
9 months ago, isaac_rocks (aka bionic)