Team Edit

VERY specific bug, but it makes sense to fix it. When you get a team invite, and you click view team, the URL it takes you to always ends with lowercase letters as the team tag. I've always thought this was weird, but it didn't change much, until I realized this. I just got a team invite from team [EDIT], and when I clicked View Team it just keeps on loading and loading, never going to load because I'm not on a team and I can't edit a team. I think an easy fix for this would just be make the letters at the end of the URL Uppercase when you click to view a team. Thats how it was on the leaderboards, I don't know why this is how it was set up for team invites. 

Loading team
Loading team
Invite from team [EDIT]
Invite from team [EDIT]
Lowercase team tag in URL
Lowercase team tag in URL

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Evelyn, 7 months ago
Oh I've had this problem for a while. I contacted support a while back but they didn't fix it
Mirciy, 7 months ago
Ah yes I've seen this team before and never really put 2 and 2 together lol, great find!
isaac_rocks (aka bionic), 7 months ago
Great find! I'm sure this will earn you the title "Bug Smasher"!
7 months ago, isaac_rocks (aka bionic)