Password autofill bugs

Username accidentally placed in a team's "Special Requirements" field
Username accidentally placed in a team's "Special Requirements" field

When using Apple autofill (not sure about other password managers), and auto-completing my password in a multi-input form, the username will erroneously be inputted into a random text space. E.g. when editing a team, the special requirements field will be replaced with just my username. Or when sending cash (not that it's gonna matter soon LOL), my username will be put in place of the cash amount.

Specific password not showing up in autofill while changing display name.
Specific password not showing up in autofill while changing display name.

Also, when changing display name, the autofill will clock it as a Password field but won't automatically recognize and suggest me a user, unlike the other password fields


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isaac_rocks (aka bionic), 9 months ago
Big problem I've noticed as well, however, I agree with Overcomer and don't know how it can be fixed. I've always thought it was a game mechanic, but I would like it to be fixed as well!
The Viellain, 9 months ago
I actually get this all the time, it's really annoying! Have had it for years, only in mid V3 era too...
unban tiktok rythsnt, 9 months ago
password autofill works on my apple phone. ig its just bugging on laptop
Overcomer Solving, 9 months ago
I don't know how they can fix that though. It happens with a lot of websites for me.
+ 3
9 months ago, stuffbyrae