Release Scrapped Skins as New Cars

Since skins were never released as a built-in feature in the customizer, there are a lot of unreleased skins of cars that they had created. I think it would be cool if Nitro Type released some more of these skins as new cars in the shop or something. It's a win-win. Players get more cars in the game, and the Nitro Type admins don't have to put more effort into designing them since they're already created. I put together this image of all the unreleased skins I could find. Let me know which ones you think should be released as new cars!


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Ryguy77, 8 months ago
#78 looks very similar to what I sent in about 2 years back. Happy to see they were thinking about it :)
I also like #38, its clean and a good skin of (the car I can remember off the top of my head).
On the note of why I think a few of these are scrapped, I think they didn't wan't to risk copyright infringement, especially with branded cars like the f1 skins shown. They look awesome, but I see why they wouldn't want to take a risk like that especially with large companies like that.
Thomas C., 8 months ago
#12 with a voltage/electricity animation would be sickk
Travis NT NM, 8 months ago
10, 15
Travis NT NM, 8 months ago
The Viellain, 8 months ago
except make it reign sponsored
+ 12
8 months ago, Thomas C.