This submission has been merged into "New Achievements?".

New Cars

As we all, in NitroType you can unlock cars by completing achievements and getting cars in the shop, from events, seasons, or other activities but now since NT has removed the KOTR car achievements you can longer earn these cars and there are very few car achievements for players to achieve now. These leads me to believe that NT should add more car achievements so that players can stay entertained and look forward to earning a reward from their hard work. I believe that NitroType should also add more cars to the game since it's mainly the same cars and even though NT added the Corsa Ultima for a league reward I don't believe that is enough for the game and that they should do more to help keep players to continue playing their game and to be excited and have fun while playing as well. 


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Mirciy, 9 months ago
Events are coming back, so maybe we will see some cars!
isaac_rocks (aka bionic), 9 months ago
Hmm, good thoughts, but it's unlikely it will happen.
9 months ago, Nate Johnson