Considering Events are planned to return I decided to make a concept for Xmaxx 2024.
I think if we got one the theme should be Snow/Ice since that hasn't really been done before, if they did 4 new cars as they usually did I was thinking 2 snow themed cars and 2 ice themed cars.
Returning cars could be:
Rocket Sleigh - $10,000 in shop for full event
Kringle 5000 - 250 Nitros used
Cold Snap - 500 Races completed
Corsa XMaxx LT-C - 200 Races in a session
I think it would be pretty cool if they brought back the older Gold exclusive Xmaxx cars (namely the Golden Gift)
New Cars:
Snow themed car #1 - 150 Races
Snow themed Car #2 (Variant of #1) - 400 Races
Ice themed Car #1 - 100 Races in a sesion
Ice themed Car #2 (Variant of #1) - 500 Nitros used
Snow/Ice themed Gotham (I like the name The Frosty Knight) - Shop for $10 Million
Nametags, trails, nitros:
Sleigh all the Way Trail (returning from S37)
Snow Trail (Returning from S37)
New trail with reindeer following you could be pretty cool!
New Nametag that has a Snow themed background (maybe a forest) could be interesting.
"In the Spirit" should come back.
"Cold as Ice" title from 2013 should also come back, fits the theme.
"Snow Baller" title.
"Ice King" title (new)
"Milk and Cookies" (new)
"Snow more Puns" (new, I like how the Xmaxx events had titles with puns)
Tell me what you think!
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