Team pricing issue

This is a small request. But teams used to be better. People used to be accomplished to be a part of any team at all, striving for the belongingness. Even more so to ontain the envied position of a team officer. As you may already know, team used to be a lot harder to make. Costing a player the amount of 5,000,000. This was decreased about 4 years ago. Since then, teams havent felt all that special, please, nitro type, bring back the blizzz. Make team more expensive again! 

Sincerely- SharpShade:)


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Agent Garbo, 6 months ago
I think it democratizes NT to allow teams to be made for free or for low cost. Not every player has gold, and cash is hard to come by when you don't have gold.
BlazinCharlie, 9 months ago
I cant express how much I want this lol
Thomas C., 9 months ago
Anthony Mammina, 9 months ago
honestly i also think theres too many teams out there that have less than 5 members, that really dont have any chance at all of getting near top 1000 even. IF they became more expensive to make, that would encourage more team players and quite a few lessteams! great idea fr!
Leonardo Li, 9 months ago
I agree
+ 25
9 months ago, aal basin