Great Wave

It is a nametag, but of the Great Wave painting. The painting is really famous and popular, as well as just a really neat design. I think it would go really well for a nametag design. Keep the same style of the painting

Great Wave Painting
Great Wave Painting

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Infinite_, 3 months ago
I love this!
frostbytent, 3 months ago
eliserss, more reason why it should be added! If a nametag gets this high, it means that it is a good idea!
eliserss, 3 months ago
i'm surprised a nametag got this high, but i'm not complaining... would love to see it in the game
unban tiktok rythsnt, 3 months ago
great wave 2 tuff
_FrostByte_ PIGFLY Captain (Sir Dude), 3 months ago
Edited to show picture, like Mirciy asked.
+ 39
Name Tag
3 months ago, _FrostByte_ PIGFLY Captain (Sir Dude)