A name tag based on the username holder seen in the V2 Nitro Type garage. Could even center the contents and make the username blue for ultimate class.
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TypingMaster1, 7 months ago
@eliserss ah yes the KOTR reward sounds a bit weird, considering you'd need to be a gold member to even use that reward, but that also works for a 3 or 5 year reward
eliserss, 9 months ago
@TypingMaster1 why would they remove kotr cars and then add another kotr achievement? that doesn't really make any sense lol, but i do like it as a 3 year reward (not 5 years, not sure where that came from? we don't have a 3 or 4 year reward so jumping to 5 seems pointless)
Anthony Mammina, 9 months ago
I would use it constantly!!
TypingMaster1, 9 months ago
This would be really cool to see
Maybe using this as a reward for 30,000 races or being a member for 5 years (like what Overcomer said)
Overcomer Solving, 9 months ago
It could be a reward for an achievement for being a member for five years.