No more Merging, just delete repeated ideas

Some may not agree with me, but I am not a fan of the Merging of ideas. I thought of an idea, watching people's races. Then, someone came up with a VERY similar idea much later than I did, wrote like one sentence down, and then my post was merged into theirs. I'm not a fan of this. I feel like the person who posts it first should be the one that gets to keep their post if we continue merging. If we end merging, then just delete the repeated post. 


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Type Forge, 9 months ago
Yeah! The first person who got the idea should have the other one merged into theirs! Don't delete merging though! It is a cool thing that isn't on any other websites I know of!
Mirciy, 9 months ago
wrong grammar i just used but oh well
Mirciy, 9 months ago
Merging is mean't to combine upvotes into one. But I see what you are saying
+ 1
Suggestions for THIS site
9 months ago, isaac_rocks (aka bionic)