Summer Poem Text Passage

In the season of summer, where the sun warmly beams,

Each day is a joy, each moment gleams.

From the laughter of children to the ice cream's sweet flow,

Capturing the essence of warmth, letting spirits grow.

With metaphors of sunshine and similes of the sea,

Poets paint a canvas where young hearts run free.

They weave tales of adventure, of games in the park,

Crafting memories from daylight until the sky turns dark.

Each line is a splash, each word a ray of light,

Leading us through fields of gold, so vivid and bright.

In the buzz of bees or the rustle of trees in sway,

Poetry celebrates summer in its own special way.

So let us embrace the power of this playful verse,

And savor the season of sun, so diverse.


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kunical, 8 months ago
This would be perfect since summer is starting soon!
Mirciy, 9 months ago
SummeR teXt!
+ 1
Typing Passage
9 months ago, kunical