A whole lotta trails

Toilet Paper Trail (TP) - unravels and animates to be fully unraveled into just the center at the end of the race

Pac-man/ chain chop from mario - (maybe a lawsuit? If so scratch this, but a monster or wtv coming for a car as a trail would be cool)

Sticky notes - has little messages from the admins written on it 

Tropical slushie trail - basically just multiple colors bashed together that twirl/splash around kind of like the chroma trail but with slushy

Mini wampus chasing the car - (better idea then chain chop or pac man, since its the mascot kinda)

Volcano ish theme - (like if u could somehow make a volcano and show the molten lava coming from it to form a trail and having little volcano rocks next to it)

Tsunami wave - big wall of water chasing the car

Chrome dino trail -  if thats not a lawsuit? Idk

Popcorn chicken trail - self explanatory

Apple slices trail 

8/9bit cars racing trail


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mirciy, 9 months ago
i shall make more ideas in the future!
+ 24
9 months ago, mirciy