I feel like Nitro Type should add A Fastest Racers Page Where all of the fastest racers are put in it. There should be like 1000 or 500 of the fastest racers in it.
Let It Be A Gold Perk To Add Symbols In Your Name, and warn users if they put offensive symbols they will be banned, and use A.I to detect the bad symbols!
Bring back King Of The Race cars for people that grind and don't bot.
Currently, the Leagues badge in the friends page just unsorts the list if you click the label. Would be nice if clicking it sorted players by league (so higher league tiers go at the top)
Little messages that you can send to whoever you are sending cash to!
All of the custom name tags available right now are very colorful and/or themed, so it's pretty hard to tie them into a car/trail combo unless you explicitly plan for it. I think it would be nice if Gold members still ha (...)
It is a nametag, but of the Great Wave painting. The painting is really famous and popular, as well as just a really neat design. I think it would go really well for a nametag design. Keep the same style of the painting
I think we should add built in backgrounds to the game as the original nitro type background. Winter themes, RGB themes, And different color and season themes that the player can pick and customize without having to down (...)
For as long as teams have existed in Nitro Type, captains have been calling their best officer a "Co-Captain". It would be great to see Co-Captains come as an actual feature, enhancing the quality of teams. Co-Captains w (...)
Nitro type used to have twice as many colors per car. And, unbeknowest to most people, still does. The usage has just been disabled. the customizer used to include twice the colors (theres another color between each car (...)
I think Nitro Type should have more tanks! And this one is a great one! It would have a turret and smoke animation.
Doing 5 100% accuracy races in a row would grant you the "Accurate Ace" title. Then you could prob expand to 10 races that would give you "Precision Pecker" or something. Kinda like the winstreaks
A name tag based on the username holder seen in the V2 Nitro Type garage. Could even center the contents and make the username blue for ultimate class.
This is a small request. But teams used to be better. People used to be accomplished to be a part of any team at all, striving for the belongingness. Even more so to ontain the envied position of a team officer. As you m (...)
Add mini easter eggs every now in then, doesn't even have to be for events just every now and then depending on the maybe small holidays or big ones.
Stickers could be shown off everywhere; The friends list, leagues to "talk" to your leaguemates, teams... etc.... if you know what duolingo is, youd see that stickers are used by players to make the league feature over t (...)
Toilet Paper Trail (TP) - unravels and animates to be fully unraveled into just the center at the end of the race Pac-man/ chain chop from mario - (maybe a lawsuit? If so scratch this, but a monster or wtv coming for a c (...)
A flying pig car. There is the saying "When Pigs Fly" and flying pigs are a thing that people I society know of. I think a flying pig car based on the Corsa Mystic would look really good.
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